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Sacagawea Crafts

Sacagawea was the Indian maiden that led Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on their expedition through the northwest and on out to the Pacific Ocean. Since Sacagawea had been captured by and then married a European man, she knew the language well and could communicate with both Indians and the white men. On the trip she brought along her newborn son. Teach your kids about Sacagawea by making crafts.
  1. Paper Dolls

    • Create a paper doll craft of Sacagawea. Paper dolls were popular toys of young children during the time period when Sacagawea was on the expedition with Lewis and Clark. First, create a template of Sacagawea by finding a picture of her and enlarging it so that it just about fits onto one sheet of 8 ½ by 11 inch paper. The kids can trace around the template onto cardstock and then cut out the doll. Use markers for decorating Sacagawea. Make her clothing the same way. However, when you make the clothing cut out tabs that the children can fold over to hold the clothing on the doll. Make a baby that Sacagawea can carry on her back as well.


    • Sacagawea was a Shoshone Indian. The Shoshones did a lot of hunting to provide for the tribe. Because of this, the Shoshones had to pack everything up and move on a regular basis to follow the herds. The Shoshone teepee looks much like the teepees kids think of Indians. Have the kids craft a teepee that was much like the one that Sacagawea was born into. Purchase skewers to form the frame of the teepee and a suede like fabric to represent the buffalo hide covering. It will be necessary for the kids to form the frame with the skewers overlapping at the top and then tie the tops together by weaving twine in and around the tops of the skewers. Have one made first for the class to look at while the kids craft a teepee.


    • Have the kids create a map of the path that Sacagawea followed when she was with Lewis and Clark. She joined the two in North Dakota and led Lewis and Clark out to the Pacific Ocean. Download a map with the path she followed or have the kids use a map in the school textbooks. Encourage the kids to be as creative as possible with the maps. Provide different colors of paper that the kids can cut out each states in a different color. Use string to form the path or have markers available. If you want to assign a more in depth project, give the students a certain amount of time to complete the project at home.


    • Tear up pieces of different colored paper before class and put the paper in bowls for the kids to use. You will also need a picture of Sacagawea, one sheet of card stock for each child and glue sticks. The kids use the little pieces of paper to recreate the picture you have of Sacagawea. Encourage the kids to use the paper to fill in the shading on the photo. After the glue dries, hang the mosaic pictures around the room.

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