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Fire Truck Crafts for Kids

Making crafts with kids offers a hands-on outlet for their creativity and an opportunity to learn about different topics in a fun and exciting way. Constructing fire trucks from edible items, or different recycled items from around the house, is an entertaining approach to introduce the topic of community helpers, as well as offering hours of amusement or an edible snack.
  1. Fire Truck Box

    • An easy way to construct a fire truck craft is by using a shoebox or cardboard box. Have the children paint the box red and let it dry. You can have them paint wheels on the box, or they can cut them out of black construction paper to glue onto the box. Headlights, fenders, signal lights, ladders, hoses and windows can also be painted on or cut out of construction paper and glued on. If you choose to use a larger cardboard box, the children can sit it in after it has dried thoroughly and use it for imaginative play.

    Fire Truck Snack

    • Crafts using food are always a hit with kids. Let the kids construct a fire truck from a few household food items that they can eat when they are done. You can use graham crackers for the truck body, tiny round crackers or small cookies for the wheels, stick pretzels for the ladder, black licorice for the hose, white frosting with red food coloring added to it to paint the graham crackers and red dot candies for the signal lights. Depending on the child's age, the finished product may not exactly resemble a real fire truck but the fun they had making the fire truck is all that really matters.

    Egg Carton Fire Truck

    • Recycling household items is a fun, economical, and eco-friendly choice for making crafts with the kids. A one-dozen-sized egg carton will make a fire truck. Cut the second and third egg cup out of one row so it will look more like a real fire truck. Have the kids paint the egg carton red and let it dry. You can then paint black wheels on the egg carton or you can cut some wheels out of black construction paper and glue them on. Craft sticks can be used to make a ladder, while construction paper can be cut for lights and windows if desired.

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