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Cool Ideas for Kindergarten

Kindergarten is typically a transition for children from home to formal schooling. In kindergarten, children learn how to develop basic skills and knowledge through lessons, creative play and social interaction. Teachers can incorporate cool ideas into their kindergarten classroom to help students learn and have fun at the same time.
  1. Décor

    • Kindergarten classrooms are typically full of colors, shapes, letters and numbers. Let kindergartners decorate the classroom with their projects. You can start the first day by letting children make a name plate that they can hang on the wall. Throughout the year, they can decorate this area of the wall with their projects. You may need to measure out areas for the children so that each student has his own space to decorate.


    • Mix up seating assignments regularly to encourage students to interact with each other, and to discourage cliques. This also prevents the same students from always sitting in the back of the classroom, where she may be less interactive. You can also change the seating layout in the classroom. Some popular seating layouts are clusters, rows and semi-circles.


    • Teaching in themes allows children to be interactive while they are learning. Incorporate a monthly theme to learn about holidays, traditions and the order of the months. If you are learning about colors, implement a color theme and select a snack, a show and tell, and a craft that revolves around that color. Some other theme ideas are letters, countries, states and numbers.


    • It can be challenging for children to sit at a desk and listen for a long period of time. Curt Hinson, author of "Games Kids Should Play at Recess," says that specific techniques can be taken out of the recess experience, and can be incorporated into the classroom to produce better teaching results. Allow children to stand up and move around during lessons. Involve children in lessons, and welcome their questions. Incorporate knowledge into recess games that can be played inside the classroom, such as tossing a ball to a student when you want him to answer your question.

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