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How to Make a Math Video for Kindergarteners

Math is one subject that starts early with kids. While visual learners will have an advantage in an ordinary classroom that presents worksheets, auditory learners will need something more. Kindergartners are expected to learn counting to 100 and basic addition, shapes, telling time and subtraction in school. Making a math video is a great way to help kids understand.


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      Teach kids counting by creating catchy songs that make counting to 100 fun. If you are not musically talented, consider using the melodies from classic nursery rhymes.

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      Teach kids addition by showing ways that addition is used in everyday life. For example, you could videotape some kindergarten kids stacking building blocks and show them adding blocks to the pile. Explain in the video addition problems such as, "Two blocks plus one block is three blocks."

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      Teach subtraction in the kitchen with kids eating snacks. For instance, lay out five apple slices on the table and ask the child to count them. Then have each child take a slice and count as they take them. After they eat their slices, have them count the remaining slices. This is basic subtraction.

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      Teach kids their shapes through videotaping the shapes in public. Be enthusiastic, pointing out the shape and discussing what makes that shape special.


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      Obtain a professional video camera and microphone. You will need someone to run the camera and someone to hold the microphone if you move around.

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      Create your set for the video. The set can be as easy as a preschool play area or a large backyard. The primary requirements for filming are good light and little to no background noise.

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      Run a sound and visual test before recording the actual video. The test ensures that the lighting and environment are set up correctly for recording the video.

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      Record the video and upload the footage to your computer. Typically professional cameras come with upload and editing software that is specific for your camera model.

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      Edit the film by adjusting lighting and sound so that the video is easy to watch. You may also need to cut certain parts of the video that seem too long or have too much silence. When you are done you can burn as many copies as you wish onto DVDs.

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