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How to Make a Quiz for Kids

Creating a quiz for kids requires you to think about it from two angles. The first, less obvious angle is called content, or purpose. It pertains to the type of information you want the kids to demonstrate that they know. For example, you must decide if you want the kids to know the years of the “Dark Ages” or the events that led up to the time period. The second angle is called style and pertains to the type of question you use, such as multiple choice or short answer, and how to format it.


    • 1

      Identify five objectives of the quiz. An objective is the information you want the kids to know. For example, you may want the kids to solve an equation rather than know it.

    • 2

      Choose the best type of question for your quiz or use a mix of true and false, matching, multiple choice and short answer options.

    • 3

      Write two questions for each objective. Questions from the same objective should be different question formats, unless every question on the quiz is the same format.

    • 4

      Put each question on a different piece of paper. Fold the papers up and put them into a hat. Draw the question one by one. The order in which you draw is the order the question appears on the test.

    • 5

      Create an answer key. Write or type the answer under each question or type the answer on a completely different paper but with the question number next to it.

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