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How to Make Fancy Letters for Kids

Fancy letters with elaborate swirls or humorous shapes can get kids more interested in making words and sentences. Making fancy letters for kids to use in their art and crafts projects, like creating a holiday or birthday card for a friend or family member, isn't actually that difficult. The simplest way to create fancy letters for kids to use is by making stencils.

Things You'll Need

  • Word processor
  • Printer
  • Paper
  • Scissor
  • Acetate
  • Craft knife
  • Markers
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    • 1

      Open the word processing program that you use. Create a “New” document and save it.

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      Go to the font selection box at the top of your screen. Generally it will already be set to “Times New Roman.”

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      Scroll through the different types of fonts available to you. There are a number of fonts that would be considered “fancy,” including “French Script MT,” “Brussels,” “Calligraphic” and many others. Select a font.

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      Choose a font size that your children need for their project. Try out different sizes. Type in the letter or a word you want to use. Where possible, place more than one letter on each sheet in order to conserve paper. Hit "Save" again.

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      Print out your letters. Use scissors to cut out the letters, leaving you with paper stencils.

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      Use your cutout printing paper stencils to create more durable stencils for children by drawing out your stencil design onto acetate. Use a craft knife to cut out the more durable stencils.

    • 7

      Let the children use markers and their stencils on large sheets of poster board to create words or sentences.

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