#  >> K-12 >> Kindergarten

How to Use the Interactive Whiteboard on the First Day of School

The first day of kindergarten is a day when young children who have always gone everywhere with their parents are now going somewhere new and different without them. Stepping into the kindergarten classroom will affect each new student differently, but all of them will be a little nervous. A great way for you to calm their nerves is with a smile, a little fun and some familiar activities. Using the interactive whiteboard will allow you to present your students with familiar characters having fun at school.

Things You'll Need

  • Interactive whiteboard projector and screen
  • Computer and Internet
  • Printer
  • Card stock (make sure it will work in your printer)
  • Crayons
  • Craft sticks
  • Glue sticks
  • Stapler
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    • 1

      Prepare for the first day of school by going online to the Nick Jr coloring page. Place the card stock in your printer. Click on the first Yo Gabba Gabba character and let it open up in a new page. Click on "Print" at the bottom of the picture to print out a copy of the character. Print out five more copies of the first character. Repeat this process for the rest of the Yo Gabba Gabba characters. Use a paper cutter to cut three straight lines one-half inch from the sides and top of the Yo Gabba Gabba character.

    • 2

      Ask your students to sit on the rug during circle time on the first day of school. Tell them that they will be seeing a video clip from Yo Gabba Gabba with a song about the first day of school. Let them know that they will then make Yo Gabba Gabba puppets. Use your computer to go to the Nick Jr Yo Gabba Gabba "First Day of School" website. Click on the video clip to open it on your whiteboard projector screen. Allow your students to listen to it two or three times, clapping to the beat of the music the last time. Discuss how the Yo Gabba Gabba characters felt about school.

    • 3

      Show the students a completed You Gabba Gabba puppet. Tell them that they will color a Yo Gabba Gabba character, glue it onto a craft stick, then raise their hand when they are done. Ask the students to go back to their seats and take out their crayons and glue stick. Pass out the characters and let the students complete their puppets. Walk around the desk rows, helping each student who needs help. Use your stapler and staple each craft stick to the character, securing it as each student raises his or her hand.

    • 4

      Call all the students back to the rug with their puppets when they are done. Use your computer to go to the Nick Jr website. Click on the video clip to open it on your whiteboard projector screen. Allow your students to sing, move and dance to the beat of the music. Ask the students to place their puppets in their cubbies when the activity is over. Tell them that they can take the puppets home to show their parents and share with them about kindergarten.

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