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How to Make a Cloud in a Kindergarten Classroom

Making crafts in kindergarten provides young ones with some artistic activity where they can show off some creativity. A cloud craft can yield a soft and realistic looking cloud and you can put clouds up on the walls of your classroom to make for some nature-inspired decorations. Making clouds in a kindergarten classroom is easy to do and is a fun class activity.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • White construction paper
  • Child-safe scissors
  • Jars of non-toxic crafts paste
  • Wooden applicator sticks
  • Cotton balls
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      Draw out the shape of your cloud on white construction paper. A good basic cloud shape is a long oval, making the lines wavy to emulate the random wavy lines of a cloud. Kids can also do fun shapes and make heart-shaped clouds, star-shaped clouds or any shape they like.

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      Cut out your cloud tracing from construction paper; lie the cutout flat in front of you and have kids do the same, using child-safe scissors or cut-out shapes. Put out a few jars of non-toxic crafts paste and provide each child with a wooden applicator stick.

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      Dip the applicator stick into the paste and get a small amount of paste onto the end, then apply the paste to a cotton ball and glue the cotton ball to the cloud template. Demonstrate this for kindergartners and have them do the same.

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      Apply cotton balls to the entire surface of your cloud template until it is covered evenly and looks like a fluffy homemade cloud. Hang them on walls with tape or string, and from the ceiling.

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