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How to Graph Questions for Kindergarten

Graphing is an important skill for kindergarteners to grasp. Not only will it provide a visual aid for understanding data, but it will encourage counting, visual discrimination skills and an understanding of "more than" and "less than." When graphing with kindergarteners, it is important to keep the questions simple at first, at least until the children understand the concept of simple graphing. Start with a bar graph or a pictograph and move on to line graphs and pie graphs as the children begin to understand more.

Things You'll Need

  • Large chart paper
  • Markers
  • Colorful circle stickers
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    • 1

      Choose a question you would like your kindergarteners to answer that you can easily graph. Some teachers like to start with yes and no questions such as "Do you have brown eyes?" as these will only yield two answers and will be a bit easier to graph. Others start with questions that are of interest to the children such as "How do you get to school in the morning?" and provide three answers to choose from such as bus, car or walk.

    • 2

      Create a chart as a means for children to answer the graphing question. For example, if you have chosen the question "How do you get to school in the morning?" use a large sheet of chart paper to gather answers from the children. Children can either sign their names under their answer choices or vote in a different way, such as placing a colorful sticker by their answer choices.

    • 3

      Count the votes. Enlist the help of your kindergarteners when counting the votes. Count out loud together or choose a helper to count each column of votes. Discuss the results as you count by saying "Bus has more votes than walking" or "Car has less votes than bus." This helps children understand important math vocabulary.

    • 4

      Create a bar graph based on the results of the question. Use the large chart paper and colored markers to create the graph while children are watching. Ask children to help you count the votes and decide how many spaces should be colored on each graph. Point out where you place the values for the votes, as well as how to label the graph as you create it for the students.

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