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How to Write a Science Lesson Plan for Georgia Standards

Georgia, and every other state has learning standards for every academic subject. These are things that students should learn in school and are organized by what students should know at each grade level. For example, one Georgia science standard states that second-grade "students will understand that stars have different sizes, brightness, and patterns." It also demands that students demonstrate their understanding of this concept by describing the physical attributes of stars. Georgia is very specific in what students should learn in school, with a particular learning goal as the basis of every lesson.


  1. Create Objective and Assessment

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      Determine the Georgia state science standard the lesson will address. The Georgia Department of Education website, georgiastandards.org, has a list of current standards.

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      Write a lesson objective. This is exactly what the students should be able to do or understand at the end of the lesson.

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      Design an assessment, or a way that students can prove they have fulfilled the lesson objective. The assessment must be tailored to fit the lesson objective.This can be a written test, a presentation or another form of assessment. Perhaps students would have to mix chemicals to get a desired reaction or perform a successful experiment.

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      Decide how to evaluate the assessment. Decide how achievement will be measured. This may be a rubric, checklist or other method. Also make sure that students understand what they will be assessed on and how their success will be measured.

    Design Learning Activities

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      Create an anticipatory set. This is has to be an interesting activity to capture the students' attention. It my be a pretest (a test of students' current knowledge of the topic before the lesson), demonstration, experiment or any number of activities.

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      Develop a learning activity that best teaches students how to achieve the lesson objective and successfully complete the assessment. If the assessment involves students independently combining chemicals to achieve a desired reaction, have students practice mixing chemicals in groups or with teacher guidance.

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      Create opportunities to model the learning activity and have students practice it. For example, don't have students mix a variety of chemicals independently until they have observed the teacher mix chemicals and practiced with simple mixing procedures.

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      Make a plan for enrichment and remediation. Have more complex or simpler tasks ready for students who have exceeded lesson expectations or are not yet ready to meet lesson expectations.

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