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Types of Jobs for Teachers

Teachers are most often utilized in the traditional public or private school setting. However, a person with a degree in education might simply have different plans, seek supplemental summer work, or want a new experience after teaching for several years. Experts in aspects of curriculum are also sought after in the business sector and provide important input, particularly if their knowledge is current and reflects marketing acumen.
  1. Museum Jobs

    • Teachers whose focus is on art or history can look into positions that center on those areas at local museums. As docents, they can present interesting facts from research about artists or historical pieces to groups touring the museum. Further, they can conduct private classes in their area of expertise, such as Picasso's Blue Period or ancient civilizations. Those with expertise in American Literature could potentially take their knowledge off site, too, by hosting literary discussions or presentations at the historic home of a famous area author.


    • Teachers with classroom experience or knowledge of current educational techniques can publish articles centered on that knowledge, or the theories behind them, for magazines or websites. Another option is to report on school events or activities for a local newspaper -- in print or online -- with the school district's awareness and/or permission in most instances, however. The teacher's perspective can provide valuable insight into why certain activities or events take place. For example, a teacher's viewpoint can discuss the scientific and interpersonal importance of a local fifth grade's effort to hatch a chicken in the classroom.


    • Tutoring jobs are also suitable for teachers. After all, they are generally able to relate to students in one-on-one classroom situations, and this is especially successful in focused lessons, such as learning about computers. By using techniques such as positive reinforcement or mini lesson plans, educators have a valuable method of individualizing a student's experience in a structured manner. Another option is to seek work at a tutoring center and conduct smaller group tutoring sessions. Using that method, students focus on a designated subject in an environment similar to that of a classroom.

    Child Care

    • Teachers are effective daycare employees because they retain the ability to actively instill learning in multiple numbers of children at the same time and frequently work under pressure to do that. They also can incorporate activities derived from the classroom into the daycare environment, such as arts and crafts or learning how to count. As a nanny or a full-time babysitter, teachers can introduce educational games daily into the lives of the children they are tending.

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