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How to Enhance Early Childhood Development

Enhancing their child's early development is an important and necessary job of parents. Although your child will spend time with teachers and other educators, you still have the primary job of teaching and reinforcing all the skills and concepts necessary for success in life. Use a variety of techniques, opportunities and life experiences to help assist your child's education and development.

Things You'll Need

  • Books
  • Educational DVDs or videos
  • Music
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      Create opportunities for learning every day. You are your child's first teacher, and she take cues from you. Use everyday life to teach skills such as math, reading and science.

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      Read a book with your child every day. Books enhance your child's cognitive and language development by reinforcing the concepts you teach. A younger child benefits from picture books, while older children enjoy books with simple words and phrases.

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      Take educational trips whenever possible. Zoos, parks, playgrounds and the grocery store provide wonderful learning opportunities. Teach your child about science and animals while walking through the zoo or park. Explore all the shapes and colors with your child while playing on the swings and slide at the playground. And the grocery store provides you the hands-on opportunity to show your child healthy food and explain dollars and cents.

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      Listen to music or watch educational television. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of television viewing time a day for children over the age of 2. Interact with your child during the educational programming by dancing and singing along with songs or pointing out and reinforcing the concepts being shown.

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      Ask open-ended questions to stimulate your child's imagination and cognition. Answer any questions your child has (even the endless "Why, but why?" ones) regarding life and learning. Being present in your child's life and providing this intellectual stimulation enhances his early development in education.

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