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How to Sequence Activities for Kids

Sequencing activities require young students to put a series of cards in the correct order based on the pictures displayed. In language arts, students demonstrate basic reading comprehension by placing scenes from stories in the correct sequence. Math sequencing activities may feature cards with different numbers of objects that students must then place in the correct order. Sequencing is useful for showing scientific processes, such as the growth of a flower. Finally, placing scenes from history in the proper order makes sequencing useful to social studies students. Regardless of the subject, some basic steps apply.

Things You'll Need

  • Blank index cards
  • Art supplies
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    • 1

      Choose a story, scientific process, mathematical concept or historical event you wish to teach. Decide how this concept can be divided into at least five sections, and think about the information associated with each section.

    • 2

      Create your sequencing cards. Use detailed illustrations and lots of color to get kids excited about the project. Images alone are enough to make the activity meaningful. However, adding some text is a good idea for older students who can practice reading as they place the cards in order.

    • 3

      Read to your child or share a video clip about the concept illustrated on your cards. When this lesson is over, have your child draw one card at a time and place them in order. Resist the urge to help. Give your child freedom to make mistakes and corrections on his own.

    • 4

      Discuss the sequence you child creates. Correct any mistakes at this time and have your child repeat the sequence without assistance until the mistakes no longer appear. Consider having older children finish the project by developing their own sequence cards.

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