How to: Letter of Intent to Homeschool in Montana

Homeschooling has become an option for parents for a number of reasons, including dissatisfaction with the local public school system, a disabled child or religious beliefs. All 50 states allow homeschooling with certain criteria being met. Montana requires a Letter of Intent addressed to the county school superintendent for every year a child is in homeschool. A letter of intent that is well written will make a good impression and be easy for the school system to process.


    • 1

      Pick up or request the Montana Homeschool Information Packet from your school superintendent's office.

      If no packets are available at the local office, write or call:

      Office of Public Instruction

      P.O. Box 202501

      Helena, MT 59620-2501

      (406) 444-3095.

    • 2

      Read the requirements for homeschooling, and arrange to meet all of the demands. Requirements include maintaining a suitable environment, keeping attendance records, maintaining a certain number of hours of instruction and using a suitable curriculum that meets Montana's standards.

    • 3

      Prepare the Letter of Intent in a business-letter fashion.

      Start with your name and address and date.

      Include the name and address of the county school superintendent.

      Note in the regards that this is a Letter of Intent.

      Begin the letter with a salutation.

    • 4

      Start the letter by stating your intent to homeschool your child. For example, write: "It is my intention to homeschool my child for the school year 2010-2011." Follow the sentence with your child's identification information, including name, address, birth date and grade level. Include the same information for each of your children being homeschooled.

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      Cite the statute of law regarding homeschooling in Montana, which is Mont. Code. Ann. 20-5-102 (2). The law gives an exception to school enrollment for children between the ages of 7 and 16. You can also mention Sec. 20-5-111 that gives parents the right to homeschool their children, stepchildren or wards. Consider the following: "In accordance with Mont. Code Ann. 20-5-102 (2) and 20-5-111, this Letter of Intent is presented to the (name of county) school district superintendent for review and acknowledgment."

    • 6

      Close the letter with a request for written acknowledgment of the receipt of the Letter of Intent as an approval from the office of the superintendent. For instance, "Please forward a written response to...". All guardians should sign the letter at the bottom.

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