Italian Learning Sites

Many websites claim they can teach you how to speak, read and understand the Italian language. Finding the best websites is the difficult part. Some learners respond to audio instruction; others find visual aids most beneficial. Trying out some popular sites will help you identify how you'll learn best.
  1. Busuu

    • After registration, basic membership in Busuu is free and provides access to over 150 learning units. Writing exercises you complete are checked and corrected by native Italian speakers. The site offers exams so you can gauge your progress. Users can also video chat with native Italian speakers from the Busuu community. A premium membership, for about $8 a month, provides more extensive resources; these premium services are free for the first seven days.

    Learn Italian Pod

    • This site teaches Italian through podcasts, which may suit people with reading or writing disabilities. Various subject and learning levels from beginner to advanced are available. Those with very little free time might find the site's five-minute podcasts useful. For additional learning resources, you must register to become a Learn Italian Pod subscriber for $15 per month. Subscribers have access to transcripts of the podcasts, which make the spoken words easy to visually identify and understand.

    Zap Italian

    • This easy-to-use Italian learning site offers a variety of learning resources. Audio files teach the basic letters, letter combinations, words and phrases. Click the "Listen" icon and the sound, number or word plays. Zap Italian also uses Italian music videos, with transcripts shown below the video in both Italian and English.

    E Language School

    • E Language School offers resources for learners of many languages, including Italian. The learning resources are largely reading based and provide few opportunities for interactive learning. Registered users can read and post comments to the E Language School community, to keep in touch with other learners, swap stories and advice, and ask questions of native Italian speakers.

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