How to Memorize

Memorizing information is useful for remembering a list of groceries to buy, errands to run or things to do. It can also be used in entertainment should you need to memorize a script or a piece of music, or at a banquet should you need to make a speech. It isn't too difficult to memorize something if you know some tips for accomplishing it.


    • 1

      Gather the information you need to memorize in a list format. If the material you want to memorize isn't in list form, rewrite it as a list. In the case of a piece of music, of course, making it into a list isn't possible, but the rest of the steps can be altered to fit in the case of music.

    • 2

      Decide how many items (or measure of a piece of music) you can memorize in the first few seconds. Study these items briefly, then try to recite them (or play them) from memory.

    • 3

      Add additional items (or measures of music) one or two at a time and recite (play) the list again from the first item. Continue until you have memorized the entire list or thing you are memorizing.

    • 4

      Rehearse your memorized list or piece until you can recite it (or play it) all without pausing to think about what comes next.

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