How to Afford Adult Education

When going back to college as an adult, it isn't quite the same experience as those that finished before they were 22 years old. Learning some life lessons before returning to school can help. One big life lesson is how to manage and save money. If you are considering education as an adult, there are a myriad of ways to make it affordable.


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      Check out your benefits at work. If you are working for a larger company, the trend these days is to have an education reimbursement for current full-time employees. They want you to be able to afford education so they can benefit from your expertise.

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      Look at community college as a stepping stone. Community colleges make taking some of the basic education courses much more affordable than bigger universities.

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      Stay on top of scholarships and grants available in your field. These sometimes require essays or project submissions, but there are millions of dollars in scholarships waiting to be used. You will need to have a FASFA completed to be considered.

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      Look into student loans. To qualify for loans from the government, you must fill out a FAFSA form. Your bank or credit union. or another financing company can also loan you money so that you can afford to return to college.

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      Continue working. It may sound difficult to work full time and continue your education, but it is an option that is do-able. Many people go back in their adult lives to finish their education while working all the time. If you find this difficult, consider taking only one or two classes a week to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Taking fewer classes will also cost less than if you take a full semester's worth of classes.

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      Be an intern. Paid internships will allow you to continue working while going to school, and they could also give you credit toward your degree.

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      Inquire at your church. Many churches have funds set aside for education assistance for their members. Ask a church leader if your church does.

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