How to Get Started as an ESL Teacher

Working as an English as a Second Language teacher can be rewarding career. Teaching ESL requires more than just "speaking English" with students. Having an understanding of how people learn new languages and how to teach will give you more confidence in your abilities to help your students as they learn English. While you teach your students English, you'll also learn about their lives and cultures.


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      Obtain a certification. Common certifications include Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. Most courses are 100 to 130 hours and include lesson-planning skills, foreign language education theory and practice teaching. If you know what institution or setting you would like to teach in, ask officials there which certification they prefer.

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      Look for positions at community centers in areas with large immigrant populations. Many either offer ESL classes or workshops in other subjects (arts, fitness, reading) aimed at people with basic English skills. If you are proficient in a second language, this could be a great way to get in touch with the ESL community and practice your skills as an instructor.

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      Inquire at your local public school. You may not be able to get an official job there unless you have a teaching degree, but you may be able to volunteer at after-school programs for bilingual children. Your duties may include helping with homework (while at the same time teaching English) or acting as a sort of baby-sitter. In any case, you will be sharing basic language with young students.

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      Consider taking a job abroad. Many ESL teachers start their careers in Asia or South America, where there is a high demand for English teachers. A certificate is usually required, and if you are willing to commit 6 to 12 months, you could hone your teaching skills.

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      Visit ESL websites such as, where you can access forums, talk to others currently teaching and see job opportunities around the world. Understanding what the job really entails is an important step in getting started and realizing if you are ready to get into the field.

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