How to Teach Adult Learners

When students can apply the concepts they learn in the classroom to real life, their learning experience deepens. Some adult learners are ready for change and are more open to making connections that promote learning. Here are a few tips to help teach adult students.


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      Recognize the demands that adult learners have on their lives. The typical adult learner is working a full-time job and has a family. You have to make allowances for these demands.

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      Set high expectations. Having a busy life, however, does not excuse the adult learner from being responsible. Adults should expect to be held accountable for their actions. Set your expectations high and let them know from the start that you expect them to reach their goals.

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      Support and encourage with praise. Adult learners are generally nervous about stepping into a classroom after a long absence from the classroom. Make them comfortable enough to come to you with their concerns and you will ward off the drop-out syndrome.

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      Use a variety of teaching methods. Adult learners are just like their younger counterparts in that they all learn in different ways. If you vary your teaching methods, you will be able to reach almost everyone in the class. Some will love group work, others will not.

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      Challenge the adult learner. Don't allow the adult student to become lazy or bored. You need to continually challenge them to use critical thinking skills. With their hectic schedules, it is very easy for them to just do enough to get by.

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      Be patient. Communicate, encourage, share and support the adult learner and you will be a part of changing a person's life.

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