How to Receive Charity

During times of hardship and financial difficulty, you may find that you need help making ends meet or providing your family with the basic necessities. While the thought of receiving charity may make you nervous, it shouldn't. There are many organizations and individuals available to help you through the difficult times. Read on to learn how to receive charity.


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      Humble yourself and let go of your pride. Needing help from others doesn't make you a bad person, nor does it make you a freeloader. The circumstances that led to your predicament may be unique but your needs are not. Everyone needs help at some point, and no one will think badly of you if you make your needs known. Foolish pride will only keep you from receiving the charity that you need.

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      Talk to your family, friends, colleagues and church about your problems. If you keep your problems to yourself, no one will be able to help you. Explain your situation and ask for advice from those you trust, and don't be ashamed or fearful of what others might think. Your honesty and modesty may impress them and inspire others in similar situations to seek the help they need.

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      Realize that your situation isn't permanent. Try not to get discouraged about having to receive charity. As with all things, your problem is only temporary and if you can make good decisions and rely on others for help, you'll be back on your feet in no time.

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      Show your gratitude when you are receive or are offered charity. Even if someone offers assistance that you don't particularly need or want, always be thankful and show your gratitude. Some people don't know exactly how to help others but their intentions are good and their hearts are in the right place. If you seem unappreciative or difficult to please, people won't want to help you. Try to be mindful of those who offer assistance without contingencies and be grateful to those who are well intentioned but whose help is unneeded. You never know when you may need them in the future.

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      Be willing to help others after your needs have been met and you're back on your feet. Don't forget what it was like to need charity from others and be generous when someone asks for your help. While it may be difficult to tell the difference between someone who is genuinely needy and someone whose goal is to take advantage of others, you may be able to use your own experience to distinguish between the two.

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