How to Help Online Students

Online classes are becoming increasingly popular as technology makes it easier to successfully navigate distance learning. When teaching an online class, it is important to be able to help students with questions, classwork, technical support and studying. Being accessible is the main goal, which is more difficult than in a face-to-face setting. There are certain things that you can do to make the experience run more smoothly for yourself and the students taking your online course.


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      Create an open line of communication by allowing students to contact you with any questions or concerns. This can be done via email or through the course website. Answer questions promptly to ensure that students get the help that they need in a timely manner.

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      Set up discussion groups between students by utilizing the course website. Doing this will provide the means for students to get help from one another. Students will not have to come to you for support every time a question arises, and the community element of the class will increase. Contact the information technology department at your school if you are unsure of how to set this up. Schools use different types of web programs for online courses, so this will need to be done directly through the school.

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      Ask students to outline lectures and send them to you so that you can monitor their progress. If there is an area where students are struggling, repeat that information in another online lecture. This is a proactive way of helping students before they do poorly on exams or need to ask for help.

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      Place links to technical support in easily accessible folders that students can access. This way, if problems arise, students can contact technical support directly instead of contacting you.

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      Participate in chat sessions with students so that they can ask you questions live. Save these chats so that students can see them who were not able to be present for the chat session.

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