How to Take GED Classes Online

GED classes are now available online, which means that you can prepare for the test on your own time, around work and other obligations.


    • 1

      Determine if you are ready to take GED classes online. If you are not committed, taking classes online is a waste of time and money. Make sure that you can dedicate some time every day to your classes, or at least several days a week.

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      Shop around. There are hundreds of online GED classes. Many of these classes have specific criteria, like being available online in one state. Other classes are available to anyone, nationwide. Read the fine print to make sure the class you like is available where you live. A basic online GED class should cost around $100. If a site is charging more than that, keep looking. Consider what's included. Some courses include a teacher who you can contact at any time.

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      Take your GED classes online. Each site will have its own specific instructions for how to use the site and get the most out of your course.

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      When you are close to completing your course, find a location to take your official GED test. Your site will give you a list of testing locations and dates. You will have to call and schedule yourself for one of those testing dates.

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