Online Massage Classes

There are several types of online massage classes that you can enroll in. However, not all online massage classes will provide the same type of course material. Some online massage classes offer a broad overview of how to give a standard stress-relieving massage; alternatively, other online classes focus on a specific type of massage.
  1. Informative Non-Certification Classes

    • Informative online massage classes are intended to educate individuals on giving therapeutic massage. This type of massage class does not lead to massage therapy certification; rather, it is intended for private individuals who wish to know how to correctly give massage and become educated in oils, body anatomy and massage safety.

    Continuing Education Classes

    • Online massage classes that offer continuing education credit are for individuals who have already received massage certification and need to fulfill continuing education requirements to maintain their massage license. This type of course is available for individuals who have yet to gain massage certification; however, this type of course does not lead to certification because it requires an initial certification in massage in order to count as continuing education credit.

    Diploma-oriented Classes

    • Online massage classes that offer a diploma in massage are available to certified massage therapists and non-certified individuals. This kind of online massage class can be specific to a type of massage therapy, such as Remedial Massage, or can focus on other types of massage. Although this course is not one that offers massage certification, it does provide documentation of completion and training to the student after completion of the course.

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