Equine Chiropractor & Acupuncturist Schools

Equine chiropractor and acupuncture schools provide training in alternative health care for horses. Practicing veterinarians, who are trained and certified to teach alternative treatments for animals, teach the courses. The curricula are based on topics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for animals, herbology and massage therapy. The programs are short-term certificate workshops, and the courses are also available through distance learning.
  1. Options for Animals

    • Established in 1988, Options for Animals has locations in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. Practicing chiropractors and veterinarians teach the courses. Prospective students who wish to take advanced training should be practicing chiropractors or doctors of veterinary medicine. Students in the United States will do their training either at the school's main campus, which is located in Wellsville, Kansas, or through distance learning. In addition to taking advanced courses, prospective students can also enroll in continuing education programs. The courses last less than a week; students will receive a certificate after successful completion of their coursework. The American Veterinary Chiropractic Association accredits the program in equine medicine.

      Options for Animals

      P. O. Box 3682

      Cartersville, GA 30120



    Chi Institute

    • Founded in 1998, Chi Institute is based in Reddick, Florida, and provides certificate training in small animal and equine acupuncture. Other certificate course offerings include veterinary herbal medicine, veterinary Tui Na or Chinese medical manipulations and veterinary food therapy. Students can take the courses through online instruction or in traditional classrooms. The China National Society of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine accredits all of the veterinary programs at the institute. The programs are designed to prepare students in the latest techniques of veterinary acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and other related skills. The equine acupuncture course is a 130-hour program that is delivered through on-site training. Prospective students must be licensed veterinarians; students will learn how to manipulate acupuncture points on horses. Topics in equine acupuncture include 100 classical acupuncture points, how to needle acupuncture points in horses and traditional Chinese medicine principles.

      Chi Institute

      9700 West Highway 318

      Reddick, FL 32686



    Horse Acupuncture

    • Horse Acupuncture is an independently run program located in Australia. Allan Moffatt, director of the International College of Equine Therapies in Australia, is the founder of the program. The equine therapeutic acupuncture course is a one-year diploma program. Course highlights include energy flows in horses, energy massage and muscle release techniques as well as electrical and magnetic acupuncture therapy for horses. The coursework also includes topics in homeopathy, spirit work touching and herbal medicine as it applies to treating horses. In addition to receiving theoretical training, students will have the opportunity to learn the practical application of their coursework through hands-on instruction. The 42-course instruction is also available in CD format for students who wish to take the course through distance learning. International students who live in select countries, including the United States, England, Wales Canada and India, can take these courses.

      Horse Acupuncture



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