Vulnerability Management Training

Vulnerability management involves identifying potential security weaknesses within an organization's computer network and taking steps to remove them. Effective vulnerability management will make any organization more secure, thereby facilitating increased revenue. Training is offered both online and in person.
  1. Significance

    • Vulnerability management involves taking steps to find, evaluate and remedy vulnerabilities on servers and workstations. Rather than react to problems as they appear, sound vulnerability management techniques allow companies to prevent accidents, espionage and sabotage before they occur.

    Training Topics

    • Training topics include how to understand your organization's vulnerabilities, how to create an effective event correlation program, resource management, monitoring of gateways and implementing incident response teams. Vulnerability management training is especially helpful for security professionals and network administrators.


    • Training courses are available both online and in person. Training providers include the SANS Institute (in person), InfySEC (online), and eEye Digital Security (online). Most courses include formal instruction, live demos and hands-on training.

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