How to Speak the Irish Language

Irish is an ancient language and part of the Gaelic group of languages also spoken in Highland Scotland, Wales, and Brittany in France. The language has roots stretching back before the rise of the Roman Empire, when Gaelic-speaking Celts dominated much of western Europe. Although Irish was in decline under the British Empire, Irish is today one of the two official languages of the Republic of Ireland. Today there are a number of options for Irish language students hoping to improve their fluency.


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      Purchase a comprehensive Irish Gaelic course pack that will allow you to learn proper pronunciation, reading, writing, speaking and listening in Irish Gaelic. The course pack should come with audio material, such as a CD, and may even come with a DVD.

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      Practice Gaelic at least once a day to maintain progress in your language learning. If you miss too many days, you will have to waste a lot of time reviewing prior studies and fall further behind. Practice reading and writing as well as speaking and listening. Record yourself reading in Gaelic and compare to the audio recordings to correct any mistakes in pronunciation.

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      Contact language exchange partners online through language exchange societies You can use Skype to practice speaking in Irish with your exchange partner, as well as practicing your reading and writing over Instant Messenger and through emails.

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      Enroll in an Irish language immersion program in Ireland. You will be able to learn Irish much faster since you will be exposed to the language every day, whether inside class or outside socializing. You can also pick up the local slang and accent of the Irish-speaking area in which you study.

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