How to Learn the Malayalam Language

Malayalam is a Dravidian language and is spoken throughout India, Kerala and Lakshadweep. Malayalam uses an alphabet in its written form and does not consist solely of single characters. This means that once you learn the alphabet, you will be able to read and pronounce Malayalam writing you come across without the need to memorize hundreds of words. Take your time studying. Learning a new language takes time and dedication, but your hard work will pay off.

Things You'll Need

  • Books
  • Flash cards
  • Internet access
  • Computer software
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    • 1

      Create a set of flash cards or use pre-made flash cards online. Review words you are already familiar with, as well as words you do not yet know. To improve your reading and writing skills, make sure you use the actual Malayalam word and not just the English pronunciation of the word on your flash cards.

    • 2

      Practice writing and reading the alphabet. Learning the Malayalam alphabet will increase your vocabulary by offering you the ability to read and pronounce new words you might come across in your daily life. Spend extra time working on vowel pronunciation, which is critical in correctly pronouncing Malayalam words.

    • 3

      Study Malayalam websites to learn about culture, food, trends and language fun facts. Many websites are completely devoted to the Malayalam language and offer tips and tricks for new learners.

    • 4

      Practice speaking Malayalam with a friend or pen pal. Even if no one nearby speaks Malayalam, you can use a language website to find an online friend who is fluent in the language. Practice writing through email and speaking through ivoice chat. One of the primary benefits of practicing with a real person is that you not only improve your ability to speak, but also your ability to listen and comprehend Malayalam grammar. You can find local Malayalam speakers through local message boards or organized meeting websites, such as, which offer individuals the opportunity to get together and chat in Malayalam.

    • 5

      Meet with a language professor to perfect your Malayalam accent and pronunciation skills. Many colleges and universities within the U.S. do not offer Malayalam courses, but language instruction is frequently offered through private tutors and classes. Visit a language tutor websites such as or visit your local library.

    • 6

      Purchase computer software or an audio course designed to perfect your Malayalam skills. You can find Malayalam software in the languages section of many bookstores or through specialized online stores. Follow the instructions presented on the software and study each day for the best results.

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