How to Return to the Classroom

People return to the classroom for a number of reasons: to improve their employment possibilities, to get through the economic downturn or to fulfill their personal goals. As an older student, you are not alone; Back to College reports that there are record enrollment for students between the ages of 25 and 69 in post-secondary institutions.


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      Identify and define why you are going back to the classroom. Fill in the blank of the statement "I am going back to the classroom because . . . ". Record it in your planner to refer if you need to remind yourself later.

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      Enroll in a back-to-the-classroom seminar which are offered many colleges, technical institutes and universities. With an increasing number of adults returning to the classroom, many institutions provide support services. Contact the student counseling facility at the college or technical school you are attending and find out what support services are available.

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      Set realistic goals. If you are easing back into the classroom, expecting to get straight As in advanced mathematics and creative writing may be to high an expectation.

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      Use your maturity to your advantage. While you have been away raising kids, doing a hitch in the army or working, you have picked up skills and knowledge that will come in handy. You actually know more than you think you do, and it will pop up at the most unexpected times.

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      Find out what the resources are available and use them. There may be an online FAQ for students at the institute where you are studying that can serve as a starting point. Check with the library to see if they offer workshops to help students learn how to do their research.

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      Get to know your classmates. Even if most of the other people in your classes are 18 to 25 years old, you share the common ground that you are all there to learn. Talk to your classmates and get to know them as people.

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      Think positively. Rather than dwelling on the fears of going back to the classroom, concentrate on the rewards of furthering your education.

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