How Can I Transfer My Credits From California College in San Diego to Other Colleges?

College credits are earned by enrolling, completing and passing college courses at any accredited college or university. The typical college course consists of three credit hours, which are transferable should you decide to transfer to a different college or university. Any degrees you have earned are also transferred to your new university. The process is not difficult and takes little time to complete.


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      Contact California College's business office to request a copy of your transcripts to send to your new college or university. Your transcripts state your identity and student information, such as your grades, courses taken and cumulative grade point average. All of your earned credits are listed on your transcripts.

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      Pick up a copy of your transcripts when you are instructed to do so. The paperwork is in a sealed envelope, which must remain sealed. Opened transcripts packages will be denied by other universities and colleges.

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      Deliver or mail your transcripts to your new college. Most colleges and universities accept transcripts either way, but you should check with your new school to find out the preferred method.

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