Fashion Design Colleges in the UK

Fashion design colleges in the United Kingdom offer bachelors degrees, certificates, and independent study courses for students interested in the fields of fashion design, textiles and fashion marketing. These specialized schools offer undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs for students who meet certain educational requirements.
  1. Entrance Requirements

    • Admission requirements may vary among fashion design colleges in the U.K., yet there are some general education requirements that prospective students must meet in order to enroll. Many schools, such as the Royal College of Art in London and Manchester Metropolitan University, admit students based on merit. The schools provide their own application materials and consider scores from the students' A levels or equivalent and GCSE scores. An interview is part of the student selection process. Advanced level exams (A levels) are required of all U.K. students planning on going to college or university. GCSE scores are a set of examinations taken by U.K. students before they can proceed to high school.

      Other fashion schools in the U.K. require completion of an application through an organization such as the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) system. This third-party organization processes the application for certain schools after the student submits the appropriate school code. The application process may then include an interview, submission of an essay and a review of test scores.


    • Fashion design colleges in the United Kingdom are either independent educational institutions or part of a university or college that specializes in the arts, textiles and design. Fashion design colleges in the U.K. include: London College of Fashion; University of Central England; the London Institute's Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design; Leeds Metropolitan University; the Kent Institute of Art and Design; the Royal College of Art; and Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College.

    Fashion Education Formats

    • The U.K.'s fashion design schools offer students flexible scheduling options so they may opt to take courses on a part-time basis or online. For example, the London College of Fashion at the University of the Arts London offers three part-time degree programs and a Foundation Degree course that can be completed online. Online programs give students interested in fashion design or fashion marketing the opportunity to take courses without having to travel to London.


    • Examples of programs available at the undergraduate, postgraduate and research levels at fashion design colleges in the U.K. include: Fashion Design and Technology; Fashion Buying; Textile Design for Fashion; Fashion Materials and Technology; International Fashion Marketing; Embroidery; International Clothing Technology and Design; Clothing Product Development; Fashion Business Management; and Fashion Business Marketing.

      Certain programs may have different entrance requirements, and some programs may only admit students who have previously studied at a fashion design college.

    Fashion Design Courses

    • Examples of courses available through the major fashion design colleges in the U.K. include: Introduction to Fashion Retailing; Fashion Merchandising; Pattern and Garment Construction; Introduction to Pattern Design; Accessory Design Principles; Fashion Show Production; Trend Intelligence; Fashion Shows in London; CAD and 3D Technologies in Fashion Design; Online Fashion Retailing; London Retail Scene Overview; and Beauty Therapy.

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