#  >> College Life >> Dorm Life

How to live in a dorm

Making the transition from living at home with your parents to living in a dorm can be intimidating if you are not prepared. Yet dorm life provides a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, gain social skills and have a ready-made support system while you continue high school studies or attend college. You can ease any apprehension by learning what is expected of you and familiarizing yourself with the particular dormitory where you will reside. Once there, taking responsibility for your living space and becoming an active part of the dorm community will make your stay there a wonderful experience.


  1. Preliminary Preparations

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      Decide whether to apply for a single room or one with roommates after you consider advantages and disadvantages.

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      Once you are assigned a room, ask the dorm supervisor how your room is furnished and what he suggests you bring. Inquire about meal cost and availability. Ask how mail is handled and whether you should bring a cell phone or laptop computer.

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      Acquire and study all available written information. Learn the rules and what to expect. Pack according to the information and advice you received.


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      Check in. Locate your room and find the easiest route to unload. See if your roommate has already arrived. If so, determine which bed and study space is yours.

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      Locate the bathroom and shower facility. Locate fire exits.

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      Take your belongings to your space and unpack in orderly fashion, putting your clothes in closets or drawers and school supplies in your study area. Determine a convenient area in your room to keep your grooming supplies.

    First Acquaintances

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      When you meet dormitory staff, smile and introduce yourself. Ask questions, and listen carefully to all information.

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      Smile when you first meet your roommate, and introduce yourself.

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      During orientation, the university or college typically sponsors social events so that the new students can get acclimated and get to know each other. Invite your roommate to join you at some of these events, or to go with you to the cafeteria for a meal.

    Daily Living

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      Locate your dormitory wing's bulletin board. Read all announcements, and check for new ones regularly.

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      Find out where to discard leftover food. Put dirty clothing in your laundry bag, and wash laundry at least once a week. Fold and put away clean laundry immediately after drying. Dust regularly. Clean floors and walls as needed. Keep your bed made and possessions in their proper place.

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      Show consideration for others. Observe quiet hours, and follow all rules. Monitor your own behavior, but refrain from telling others what to do. If someone else's action infringes on your ability to study or rest, politely ask them to lessen the disturbance and explain why you are making this request.

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      Make a conscious effort to socialize. Spend time in the recreation areas. Greet others and start conversation by asking them questions such as where they are from or what activities they enjoy. Allow them to finish talking before adding to the conversation.

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      Ask another student in your dorm wing if he could help you study. Help others who are struggling with subjects you know.

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      Join in dormitory activities. Participate rather than sitting on the sidelines. Offer help in planning, setup or cleanup.

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      Consult with your residential adviser if you experience any serious difficulties.

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