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Job Description for Campus & Community Coordinator

A campus and community coordinator is a vital part of college life. She serves many roles in a college student's life. She provides guidance on student issues, support in academic areas and a shoulder to cry on, and advocates for student-initiated change. She is generally a sophomore or older who lives in on-campus housing. In some instances she may be a graduate student. In exchange for serving as a campus and community coordinator, she receives free housing and a room of her own.
  1. Work Hours

    • As a campus and community coordinator, you need to be there for students. Many residence halls partner with one another to ensure that the coordinators cover a variety of shifts to meet the needs of students. Thus when everyone else is out at night, you are back at your residence hall on duty. In addition, since not all students have the luxury of returning home during breaks from school, coordinators must be assigned to cover those holidays, usually rotating coverage.

    Student Interaction

    • The job of a campus and community coordinator requires much student interaction, so she needs to be approachable. She also needs to have an "open door policy" at least some of the time during a given week so students can bring concerns and problems to her.


    • A campus and community coordinator is charged with supervising students within their residence hall. He is responsible for monitoring that rules are followed, such as no alcohol consumption or consumption only by those of legal age, adhering to curfew, making sure there are no after-hours guests. He may need to issue verbal or written warnings to students who break the rules.

    Community Engagement

    • A campus and community coordinator is responsible for bridging the gap between college life and community involvement, and promoting an inclusive and diverse environment. She encourages participation in campus and community events. She may even help plan events to get her hall's students involved. Such events may include little-sibling weekends, pizza or sundae party, movie night or dorm olympics.


    • A campus and community coordinator promotes educational activities. He provides direction when it comes to choosing classes, and may even provide recommendations on which professors' classes to take or avoid. He enforces restrictions when students are placed on academic probation. He may assist in finding additional resources when a student needs help academically. He creates and teaches workshops on subjects such as binging drinking and dating violence.

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