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RA Job Description

A resident assistant, or RA, is someone given the task of supervising the activities going on in a dorm hall, usually at a college. In most cases, RAs are students enrolled at the school, either as a junior or senior still trying to finish their undergraduate degree or as a student enrolled in graduate courses.
  1. Administrative

    • The RA is the liaison between the university and the students that are under that RA's jurisdiction. As such, the RA will be asked to perform any administrative functions regarding the student's enrollments, log any complaints that have been lodged for or by the student and take care of any of the student's housing needs.

    Role Model / Big Brother or Sister

    • Since the RA is generally older than most of the students they are overseeing, RAs are expected to ask in the capacity of a big brother/sister role for the students. Their doors are generally kept open for students who need help either with specific classes or life at the university. If the RA him or herself cannot help as needed, they are expected to refer the student to someone who can.

    Community Organizer

    • The RA is expected to instill a sense of community in the dorm. This can include everything from organizing events in and outside of the dorm or being the mediator of any disputes among residents. As such, an RA needs to have a level head and devote a large portion of their free time to help improve the atmosphere of the dorm.

    School-Specific Duties

    • Each school where the RA is employed will have their own guidelines in relation to what is expected of an RA. This could mean upholding specific school regulations (for example: not allowing males into the female dorm, if that is the school's rule) or taking part in an activity that is specific to the school. Overall, RAs are expected to promote school spirit by attending extracurricular functions at the university.


    • While RAs are not generally paid on an hourly basis, most are given some kind of stipend. Sometimes this includes course credit or free classes at the university, but most of the time RAs are compensated by receiving free room and board at the university.

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