How to Survive College without a Car

Part of personal finance is using ingenuity to find solutions. Going without a car in college is a great exercise in ingenuity. It's a great skill to develop during a student's early financial years, which can later be applied to even bigger expenses. With education costs rising, cutting out car expenses can really be a smart move for any student.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Driver's license
  • Bus pass
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      Use zipcar. Worried about getting to the grocery store? Check out Zipcar rent cars complete with insurance for less than $10 an hour. Zipcar is becoming more popular among college campuses because universities find that they help reduce traffic and free up parking spaces. Oh, and your hourly fee includes GAS.

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      Walk. This is a very underrated activity. Help kick, the Freshman 15 and get the heart pumping before class. It's a lot easier to stay awake in class after a good walk.

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      Use public transportation. Most cities offer student discounts for monthly passes. This can save a couple of hundred dollars from parking on campus.

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      Hitch a ride. From road trips to movies in town, a car full of college student is an easy and fun way to get by wtihout having a car.

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      Get creative and try a scooter, bike, or even rollerblades. Or maybe try unicycling. Even if that may be a little too extreme, one great thing about college is that you can get away with that sort of thing. And it's very cheap too.

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