How to Plan College Reunion Games

The old college reunion is rolling around and you are in charge of the games. It seemed like an easy thing to sign up for at the time, but now you're suddenly racking your brain trying to find things that won't seem lame! Take a deep breath and relax, because here are some time tested tips that will help your part of the reunion run smoothly! Read on to learn more.


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      Be age appropriate. While it's great to relive the good old days where your worries were as little as the money you had in your pocket, there's a reason that time has passed. You're older now, act like it. Obviously you know how long it has been since you were in school, so begin to think about things that are age appropriate for your class.

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      Make the games reasonably simple, not insanely intricate. The reunion games should not be focused on beer bongs, ice luges, or suck and blow. The point of a college reunion is to catch up with the people you haven't seen in a number of years. You shouldn't be playing chess matches against each other. The games should be social, fun, interactive, and not require a lot of props or particulars in order to play.

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      Coordinate a schedule. There's nothing worse than having too much or too little to do when it comes to the way of games at a reunion. If your class was small, say 200 people, then one game will probably suffice for the evening. However, if your class had 5000 people, then you have a much bigger job and need to have games running continuously throughout the night. In that scenario, announce the games are happening and let classmates come to you when they are ready to play. Almost as if you were at a state fair and people mosey about and choose what they are doing and when.

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      Provide prizes! Nothing gets people motivated like giving away free stuff! Solicit local businesses or use extra money from ticket sales to go out and buy some really cool prizes. The level of participation will be much higher.

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      Select games. Again make sure they are age appropriate for your group. One idea is a scavenger hunt. Create a list of 30 things people must find around campus. Break them into teams and give them one hour. They must take a picture of the item for proof. After the hour, the team with the most things wins a prize. Another game is the baby picture game. When the invitations go out, have people send in a baby picture of themselves. Then create a match game where people must guess who is who. The person or team who guesses the most wins! Another idea is a trivia game in the style of Jeopardy. It can be held as a tournament. Write questions and answers about the school's history and events that occurred while you attended! And of course for the hipper crowd that likes to get a little rowdy, there are always games like Twister, and "Strip Twister." Congratulations, you should now have a good idea on how to plan college reunion games!

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