How to Date in College

Dating in college can be quite the adventure. You're meeting attractive and interesting people around every corner, getting asked out and asking more people out than you ever would've in high school, all the while taking a full course load and running around with your friends. The following tips will help you to keep it all straight as you embark on the whirlwind that is college dating.


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      Explore your options without hurting people. Dating a few different people at once is fun and quite common in college. Just be sure that the people you're dating are aware that the relationship isn't exclusive.

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      Realize that when someone asks you out, this in no way means that the two of you are boyfriend and girlfriend, contrary to the rules of high school dating. Hanging out with someone for the night is just a way of testing out the waters and does not constitute a serious commitment.

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      Know the person you're dating before you put yourself in a compromising situation. This goes for the ladies especially. Just because you met a really cute guy at a friend's party doesn't mean that he's a nice guy who you should go home with.

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      Honor your friendships. If one of your best friends just went out with someone who is now going after you, talk to you friend before making a move. The general rule is that your friends' recent dates or hook-ups are probably off limits to you for at least a little while.

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      Keep your priorities straight. While dating in college can definitely be a large part of your undergraduate experience, make sure to go to class, do your work and hang out with your friends as well.

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