How to Work at Disney World

Working at Walt Disney World is a dream for many people. Finding a job at “The Happiest Place on Earth” may take some time, but will be well worth it for serious Disney World fans. Cast members, as they’re known at Walt Disney World, work in all areas of the four parks, two water parks and the resort’s hotel and food service locations.

Things You'll Need

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      If you are currently in college, apply for the Disney College Program or a Disney Professional Internship. If you are accepted into one of these programs, you will spend a semester working at Walt Disney World. As part of the interview process for the College Program, you will be asked to attend a Disney presentation. You can sign up on the Disney College Program website to be notified when a presentation will be held in your area. If there are no presentations in your area, you can watch the presentation online.

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      When you attend a presentation, you will also sign up for an interview time. Bring your application, which can be printed from the website. You will be notified if you have been accepted to the program in several weeks. Participants in the College Program are assigned to various areas of the parks and hotels. The areas that a cast member is assigned to may not necessarily be related to her major. Disney does provide housing, although you will be sharing an apartment with roommates. Housing costs are taken out of your paycheck.

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      Participants in the Disney Professional Internship work in areas related to their majors. Professional internships are available in such areas as: Animal Programs, Engineering and the Disney Design Group. Housing is also available for these positions. You can apply online for these positions at the Disney Careers website.

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      If you are not in college, you can search Walt Disney World job listings at the Disney Careers website. Be sure to check “Orlando” as the city in which you would like to work. If you are in Orlando, you can apply in person for a job by visiting the Casting Center, at 1515 Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista, Fla. The Casting Center is across the street from Downtown Disney. The Casting Center can be reached by telephone at (407) 828-1000.

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      If you are a gymnast, tumbler, actor, comedic or improvisational actor, puppeteer, singer, dancer, musician, stunt performer or stage technician or if you want to play a character, check out the Disney Auditions website.

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