Drug & Alcohol Use in Colleges

National survey data show that approximately one in three 12th graders reports being drunk or engaging in binge drinking. Binge drinking is considered to be five or more drinks in a row for male students and four or more for female students. In addition, about half the students in high school have admitted to the use of marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug, with other drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine having smaller reported use. If seniors in high school are engaging in alcohol use before they are of legal age to drink and also using drugs, it's likely they will carry on their usage at college and may even experiment more.
  1. Alcohol Use

    • Alcohol tends to be the favored substance in college, with fraternities and sororities living in tight quarters and often stereotypically throwing parties. In college you find people who are and aren't of age to legally drink in the United States, and it's easy for underage students to get access to alcohol. If on campus, school officials do have the right to search quarters for alcohol as well as the right to use a breathalyzer on suspected drinkers.

    Other Drug Use

    • Other common drugs aside from marijuana found on college campuses are acid, cocaine, ecstasy and sometimes even heroin. These drugs are often used at parties, and first-time users are merely giving in to peer pressure, whereas others feel that college is the time to experiment.


    • The abuse of prescription pills is also a rising problem on college campuses. Percocet, Vicodin and OxyContin are the most common painkillers seen on college campuses. These are easy to obtain because, legally, a doctor can prescribe them for any number of ailments. Often, one person does not need to use the whole prescription, which leaves extras to be sold freely.

    Drugs to Focus

    • Many college students who may not be looking for a high will turn to drugs to help them focus in school and stay awake to study for exams and finish papers. Drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin are most common. These are drugs that are also abused by people who have prescriptions and turn around and sell them to others.


    • Many college athletes use drugs such as steroids to enhance their performance. They feel the need to perform, and by having to balance their sport and academics, the pressure may be too much. To stay on the team, athletes must have good grades, so they may also turn to drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin.

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