How to Gain Common Sense

Life can be complicated--especially since there is no book on living it entirely without mistakes. Common sense isn't something you gain through any book, it is gained through experience. For people who are often told they lack "common sense", here are some tips to avoid looking dumb.


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      Learn from mistakes- they are bound to happen, so make them a positive experience. Nobody is perfect! Besides, life's greatest lessons are learned through mistakes. Some mistakes are so horrific that you'll never forget them (and therefore you'll never make them again).

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      Get out into the world! Learn to work in all sorts of areas, from retail to the food industry. Learn how to socialize at parties. Take a road trip. You will never be independent and think on your own unless you have physically been on your own. Sure its scary, but everyone has to do it one time or another.

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      People who are book smart are usually pointed out to lack common sense. Why you may ask? Well, people who are book smart tend to need answers to everything from out of a text book. In life, suprises arrive and most often than not you have to use previous experience to get through it. Don't over analyze things, you will complicate simple things.

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      Live on your own! You will learn how to budget your money, fix household problems, and take care of yourself. When you are on your own, you are FORCED to do things for yourself. Often times people have always had someone to help them. Try things on your own and see what happens.

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      Think before you speak: We all say dumb things, so try to avoid blurting out something you regret. Watch the news and keep yourself informed about the world.

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