How to Cite an Article in a Periodical Using MLA Style

When you are conducting research for a term paper or longer-term research project, you may use popular magazines as source materials, as well as more traditional materials such as reference books, scholarly journals and class lecture notes and materials. Popular magazines and periodicals are publications intended for the general reading public and usually do not require the same amount of expertise on the parts of the reader or reporter that scholarly journals and publications require. However, they are still valid sources of facts and information. You must be sure to cite all articles of this type on your "Works Cited" page with your other source materials so that a reader can find the information that helped you draw your conclusions. MLA is a good format to use when you have many different types of source materials because it has a fairly standard appearance and is equally easy to implement and utilize.

Things You'll Need

  • Article title
  • Article author
  • Periodical title
  • Date of publication
  • Page numbers of article
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  1. How to Cite an Article in a Periodical Using MLA Style

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      Begin with the author's name, followed by a period. The name should be listed in the order "last name, first name, middle initial." If the author's name is Leslie Goodwert, then your citation should begin: Goodwert, Leslie.

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      Add the title of the article in quotation marks, followed by another period. You can use single or double quotes, but you must be consistent throughout your paper. If the name of the article is "Fighting Back Against SARS," then your citation, thus far, should read: Goodwert, Leslie. "Fighting Back Against SARS."

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      Underline the title of the periodical. If you prefer, you can use italics for titles, but you must choose one format or the other and use it throughout the entire paper. If your word processor will not support this type of formatting, then use underscore symbols to indicate what words should be underlined. For example, if the title of the periodical is "Scientific Discovery," then your reference should now read: Goodwert, Leslie. "Fighting Back Against SARS." _Scientific Discovery_

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      Follow the title with the date of publication and a colon. The date should be listed in the format "day month year" and you may abbreviate the month with the first three letters. For example, if the magazine was published September 23, 2007, then your citation will appear this way: Goodwert, Leslie. "Fighting Back Against SARS." _Scientific Discovery_ 23 Sep 2007:

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      Finish with the page number or numbers of the article and a period. For example, if the article was located on pages 23-67, then your finished citation will read: Goodwert, Leslie. "Fighting Back Against SARS." _Scientific Discovery_ 23 Sep 2007: 23-67.

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