How to Reference an Individual Song or Set of Lyrics Using MLA Style

When you are working on a research paper or a longer-term research project, you may need to use not only traditional text and reference books, but also other types of material such as musical recordings or song lyrics found in written or recorded record. Such resource materials are valuable when you are trying to determine the mindset and atmosphere of a particular period in time, and can be immensely helpful in establishing how certain events were viewed through the eyes of the people who lived in a given period. Many professors consider song lyrics and musical scores to be primary source material, which means that you do not have to factor in the bias of a third-party reporter or author. These types of resource must be cited just as all other reference materials.


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      Start with the name of the artist. It should be listed in the order of last name, first name middle initial, just like the authors on your Works Cited page. Follow with a period. For example, if you use lyrics from a John Denver song, then your citation will start out: Denver, John.

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      Enclose the name of the song in quotation marks and follow it with a period. You can use double or single quotes, but you should be consistent throughout the paper every time you use quotes. If the song you quoted was "Seasons of the Heart," then your reference note should now appear: Denver, John. "Seasons of the Heart."

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      Underline the title of the album. If your word processor will not support this type of formatting, then use an underscore symbol to indicate that the title should be underlined. For example, if the title of the album is "Seasons of the Heart," then your citation should read: Denver, John. "Seasons of the Heart." _Seasons of the Heart_.

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      Add the name of the label that produced the album, followed by a comma. This information is usually available on the inside of the album or CD cover. For example, if American Gramophone produced the record, then your citation should read: Denver, John. "Seasons of the Heart." _Seasons of the Heart_. American Gramophone,

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      Finish with the year that the song was released, followed by a period. This information is also generally available on the inside of the album cover. If the song was released in 1970, then the final citation should read: Denver, John. "Seasons of the Heart." _Seasons of the Heart_. American Gramophone, 1970.

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