Train to Be a Flight Attendant

What could more glamorous than hopping on a flight to Paris and spending a couple of days strolling down the Champs-Elysees, and then taking taking another flight to the tropical paradise of the Fiji Islands? What if you could do this as one of the perks of your career?
Many people are drawn to the field of flight attendant work because of the travel rewards that often come along with being employed by an airline. Because of this, competition for flight attendant jobs can be fierce. Having the right education, work background and training are very important when it comes to being selected for employment by the major airlines. Here are some steps to help you increase your chances of getting hired and having the career you dream of.

Things You'll Need

  • Education Work experience Ability to undergo up to 8 weeks of training
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    • 1

      Research the nature of the work flight attendants are expected to perform. It is important to have a clear understanding of how flight attendants spend their days. It is helpful to be well-informed about the duties of a flight attendant before going through the actual training. Many people are surprised to learn that there is more to this field of work than serving snacks and beverages to passengers, including writing reports for every flight they work on.

    • 2

      Work on a resume to help increase your chances of getting hired by an airline. This part of training is often overlooked, but is vital to obtaining an actual job. There is a lot of competition for flight attendant jobs, and airlines have become increasingly more selective in the people they employ. Some ways to put yourself at the head of the line are to obtain a college degree in a people-oriented field such as nursing, sociology, or hospitality. If you are interested in working on international flights, you will most likely be expected to know more than one language. Furthermore, having actual work experience in public service, whether it be working in a restaurant or a retail store, will also make you stand out.

    • 3

      Decide which airline company you would like to work for, and then apply. Be sure to compare salaries, benefits, work requirements, and travel rewards. Find out if the company expects you to pay for their formal training session, as some do, or if they provide compensation for room, board, and supplies.

    • 4

      Prepare for the formal training period you will will be expected to complete once your application has been accepted. This program can last anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks. Keep in mind that you are not considered an employee of the company until you successfully complete this program. Besides the obvious preparations (packing, traveling), you will need to be mentally ready for an intense program that includes education in first aid, survival and emergency evacuations.

    • 5

      Study and practice every single day during training and try to avoid people and things that might distract you. Passing the final evaluation and beginning your career depends on learning all of the material presented to you and perfectly performing every task and routine you have been shown.

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