How to Start a College Funding Business

A college funding business can help you pay for college, or can collect funds to send other people to college. Either way, it is a business that strives to make money to pay for college tuition as its goal. Once you start a business with the intent to fund college, you may be able to make the money to pay for that college experience without taking out loans.


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      Decide on a business plan and model. You need to have an idea that allows you to provide products or services to people for a fee. The bottom line for your business plan needs to be a statement about what you are going to do so that other people will pay you. There are many things to keep in mind, such as what businesses currently exist that will be your competition, special skills that you have that you can use for a business and what type of time commitment you are able to put into the business to make money.

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      Finalize your business plan and budget. This will require you to research and decide how much money you will need to spend setting up your service or buying the products you wish to sell. You will also need to do market research to figure out how much you can charge for your services or items. You need to make sure you are bringing in more money than you are spending. Once you have a general budget and business plan, you can figure out funding.

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      Decide on a way to get the start-up money for your business. You will need this money to get started with your services or products, to have a location, buy licenses and also to live on while your business takes off. Some suggestions for funding include using your savings, getting a loan or borrowing money from a friend or your parent.

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      Put everything that your business makes toward your college goals or toward funding the college experience. This will require you to have another way to make money to live on, unless you plan on using your business to partially fund college while you use the rest of the money to live on.

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