How to Review Textbooks

Finding the right textbook for a class is challenging. The textbook has to provide the right depth for the class, cover the necessary subjects and be flexible enough to accommodate changes in class direction. Most importantly, it has to fit you. Selecting the wrong textbook can directly affect student learning and creates more work for you. Instead of just using the textbook, you will have to search through journals and other material to provide enough readings so students learn what they need to.


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      Understand your preferred teaching style. Some instructors prefer to choose textbooks that diverge slightly from their point of view; others prefer textbooks that survey the course subject and provide dry facts. Knowing your teaching style is critical when reviewing textbooks; without knowing it, you may review more textbooks than needed.

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      Reach out to several of the main textbook publishers and review their offerings for your course subject.

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      Review and make a list of pros and cons for each book. When reading, consider the following: the structure of the book and how it relates to the structure of your course, the material presented and how understandable it would be to a student, how appropriate the textbook is for your audience and its readability.

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      Price the three highest-ranked textbooks. If the second-highest-ranked book is substantially cheaper than the first, and there is not a major difference in the quality of the textbook, your students might appreciate the cheaper of the two.

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