Student Recruitment Ideas

With a significant portion of their student body graduating at the end of each school year, colleges must make student recruitment a top priority in order to keep up their student populations. Additionally, with colleges across the country, and even the world, all competing for the attention of high school juniors and seniors, successful student recruitment can become quite a lofty undertaking. Creative planning and strategy must be utilized for a school to keep new student applications pouring in.
  1. Develop appealing programs

    • Develop programs that appeal to potential students. Some different programs that are likely to draw students include opportunities to study abroad, an accredited athletics program, a well-polished fine arts department and technologically advanced classrooms. The more a school has to offer potential students, the more students that school is likely to attract. Make sure to create brochures that highlight your most attractive programs, and display information about said programs on your school website as well.


    • Offer scholarships to entice students to attend your school. Depending on the focus of your college, scholarships may be offered for academic excellence, athletic ability, performing arts, and leadership skills. A scholarship offer will not only help the potential student to feel important, but it will also entice the potential student's parents because of the probability of saving money on college tuition.

    Visit high schools

    • Send college recruiters and current students to high schools. Help your college standout by meeting face to face with potential students. Professional recruiters can discuss all the wonderful attributes of the college while the current students can connect with potential students on a more personal level. A potential college student may be more enticed to apply to the school if they are able to identify with current students there. As they identify with these students, they may more easily be able to picture themselves in the same environment.

    Encourage campus visits

    • Invite potential students and their parents to visit your college. Offering an opportunity to visit your campus and learn about your school in more detail is essential. Potential students will have an opportunity to see where they may spend the next two to five years and parents will be comforted by being part of the process. You may also want to offer potential students the opportunity to spend a couple nights in a dorm with current students to get a real feel for the college experience.

    Use the Internet

    • Use the Internet to promote your school. Technology simply cannot be overlooked as a recruitment strategy. Choose several exemplary students who excel in academics, fine arts, athletics, or leadership and hire them to keep up a blog discussing their personal experiences and promoting your college.

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