Fashion Design Colleges in Kansas City, Missouri

Most people flock to the East Coast to study fashion design, but it can be studied in most states across the country. While there are no dedicated fashion design colleges in Kansas City, Missouri, there are colleges and programs in Kansas City at which you can study fashion design.
  1. Kansas City Art Institute

    • The Kansas City Art Institute is a private, four-year art and design college in Kansas City. By majoring in "Fiber," you can study such topics as weaving, costume design, textile design, and fashion knitwear. The all-encompassing Fiber major combines fashion design with technology and art.

      Kansas City Art Institute

      4415 Warwick Blvd

      Kansas City, MO 64111


    University of Central Missouri

    • Located an hour east of Kansas City, the University of Central Missouri offers a bachelors degree in fashion. While the program is not specifically a design program, the program allows you to concentrate on the marketing and business side of the fashion industry, while also learning about the artistic side of clothing and fabric.

      University of Central Missouri

      100 Hout St.

      Warrensburg, MO 64093



    • You can receive a degree or certificate in fashion design through online programs as well, which can be completed remotely in Kansas City. Schools include Academy of Art University and American InterContinental University.

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