How to Evaluate Students in Online Education

Web-based assessment tools represent a very efficient use of instructional time, if used appropriately. Tests, blog posts and essays can be administered in both completely online learning environments and even in hybrid teaching, allowing the instructor to maximize the use of class time for actual teaching rather than testing. Pitfalls to avoid include violations of student honor codes, especially falsification of identity and plagiarism, but with a certain amount of forethought and planning an instructor can make excellent use of web-based testing resources.

Things You'll Need

  • Online course management software
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      Have all students complete an Honor Code Statement for Online Coursework. This Honor Code Statement, which must be submitted before any assignment is completed, should include a promise that all online assessments are completed solely by the student. A simple example of the text might read: "College X requires all students to live up to the highest standards of conduct in their academic work. As a member of the student body, I undertake to never represent the work of another person as my own, nor to plagiarize in any other manner." Ask students to write out the Honor Code Statement by hand, and sign and date it, in order to create a more lasting impact.

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      Design open-book quizzes that can be completed online. These quizzes are not effective assessments of memorized information, but they are an excellent way to reinforce completion of readings, particularly if the assessments are strictly timed and spaced accordingly.

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      Write questions for student discussion in online blogs. Be sure to give your students information on the rubric you will be using to grade their work, including elements such as content, expression, and collegiality to other participants on the blog (if public).

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      Online assessments can also be used in conventional proctoring situations, provided that the testing is scheduled in classrooms that are equipped with sufficient numbers of computers. Proctoring can be done off-site with approved supervision.

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