Cardiovascular Perfusion Training

A cardiovascular perfusionist is involved in the surgical care of patients undergoing open-heart surgery and is educated in the use of life support equipment, such as ventricular assist devices and heart-lung machines. Individuals interested in a career as a clinical perfusionist must pursue university-level training in the field.
  1. Education Program

    • Cardiovascular perfusion education programs are offered at the undergraduate level and at the postgraduate level to individuals who have obtained a bachelor's degree in a related field. While both academic programs prepare students for a career as a clinical perfusionist, the postgraduate programs are appropriate for individuals intending to pursue advanced employment opportunities or academic careers.


    • Required courses in cardiovascular perfusion programs include clinical and laboratory instrumentation, perfusion technology, pharmacology, applied human physiology, disease mechanisms, pediatric perfusion and physiologic monitoring. Students complete supervised clinical placements through which they become familiar with infant, pediatric and adult perfusion techniques, cardiopulmonary support, hemodialysis and ventricular assist devices.


    • Upon completion of each program, graduates must seek certification through the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion. Students must take an examination that is comprised of two multiple choice examinations.

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