Art Schools in Detroit

Detroit offers art schools for students of all ages. High school, undergraduate and graduate programs in fine arts, art history and performing arts are available in Detroit. There are many schools dedicated to the arts and offering select students a premium education in their style of creativity. High school students with fairly good academic scores can put their musical careers in gear and start early at the Detroit School of Arts.
  1. College for Creative Studies

    • The College for Creative Studies has Bachelor's and Master's degrees available for art students. Undergraduates can choose from 11 different majors; all programs require 42 hours of general arts studies and 84 hours of in studio time. Drawing, color theory and basic design are among the focuses of general art studies. There are only two majors available for Master of Fine Arts degree here: design and transportation design. Graduate programs have a "boot camp" style of education. According to the school's website only 60 additional hours are required to obtain a Master's degree after completing an undergraduate program.

    Wayne College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts

    • Undergraduate art programs at Wayne College include fine art, art history, fashion design and merchandising. The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree allows students to major in anything from music and drama to metal-smithing, printmaking or photography. Graduate programs in arts, fine art and art history are available for students hoping to further their art education. The school's public studio attracts local attention and allows graduate students to function on a business level with the public. According to the school's website, over 100,000 attendees come to the school's art exhibits annually.

    Marygrove College

    • Marygrove College is a Detroit school offering fully accredited undergrad art degrees. Undergraduate art students may pursue a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, B.A. in Art Therapy or B.A. in Art History. The Fine Arts program is more intensive than the Bachelor's of Arts, requiring more studio hours, a minimum GPA of 3.0, and 37 additional curriculum hours. The Art Therapy degree is an interdisciplinary degree, which fuses fine art study with psychology.

    Detroit School of Arts

    • The Detroit School of Arts is a high school for performing artists, particularly musicians and singers. High school kids from all over the state of Michigan come here to realize their performing arts dreams. This academic center requires an application process; a current GPA of 2.5 is required before an invitation to an audition is extended to a perspective student. Auditions must be passed in order to be admitted. Students of this high school are taught to read and write music. Ear training, harmony, composition, music history and performance are all focuses of the academics at this school.

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