Time Management Skills for College

College classes can seem particularly daunting without learning helpful time management skills along the way. All of a sudden it seems like there is no time to get assignments done and study for tests, let alone have a social life. Thankfully, there are ways to change your study habits and alter the way you spend your time to ensure that you are doing your best in the college environment.
  1. Identify Problems

    • If you find yourself struggling with time management in college, take a look at why this might be occurring. Look at how you spend your time each day and make decisions on what you will cut out to make things work. If you need to see your friends less or cut your hours at your job to dedicate your time to college, then take action. If you are easily distracted by media around you, turn it off. If someone close to you constantly bothers you, politely tell them you need your time to study.

    Get Organized

    • Line out your plan each day so that you know what you are doing and when. Buy an organizer or keep one on your computer. Set aside the hours of the day when you feel you think best for assignments and studying. Always make sure you have your notes and books organized so you can find the information you need. Never wait until the last minute to do something. If you stay ahead of the game, you will run into fewer problems and feel more in control.

    Don't Give In

    • Plenty of tempting choices can involve you reneging on your schedule and pushing away assignments and studying until later. Don't let this happen. If your family or friends call, tell them you are busy and will contact them later on. If you have a job and are asked to work hours you normally don't, tell your employer that you need to get your collegiate work done.

    Remember Consequences

    • Any time you think of avoiding an assignment or skipping a class, remember the consequences that follow. Visualize how slacking off would cause you to back up on assignments and missed notes. Remember that college is the path you chose to take to jump start your career and you should not neglect it. Believe in yourself and your ability to show self discipline.

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